Where are you going?
It's the start of a New Year. You probably feel pressure to be starting a "resolution". Why do we do this? I believe it is that we are all on a quest to find happiness in life. And I believe that finding happiness, joy and love is our purpose for being on this earth. That is why we constantly have desires and will always have desires so that we are always progressing in becoming better people, with better situations, relationships, adventures, memories and happiness. The truth is we are either growing or dying in the process of progression as an infinite being while here on earth. You cannot stay the same. It's not possible. Do you feel that you never achieve what you set out to master? The day you set your new goal, if you were to ask yourself if you really thought you'd accomplish it, what would your answer be? Do you begin your new journey with doubt, fear and defeat before you've even begun to eat better, exercise more, increase your income, repair broken relationships or whatever else you strive to improve. Is your new years resolution always the same each new year? Do you feel like you've been on a hampster wheel for YEARS never achieving the desired happiness you crave? Do you know WHY you want this thing in your life? This tradition of setting goals at the new year could lead to negative feelings of failure, hopelesness, sadness ect. year after year. Or maybe your amazing and actually accomplish wonderful things with great effort time and time again bringing new joy, happiness, connection and triumph into your life. I don't believe most feel that they do. I want you look at the goal setting process a little different this year. In hopes that you will finally recieve whatever it is you want so badly. In the past years I don't think I really gave my new goal much thought. It is usually pulled from the surface of my thoughts in a casual manor and I'm not even sure WHY I want to work on that area of my life. Let's start with setting your self up in a place in which you can connect with your infinite self and really discover what area of your life will help you to welcoming more happiness and joy into your life.
If you could change one area of your life right now what would it be?
What are the things that are holding you back from being happy?
You'll be happy when what occurs?
When I do/have __________________ it aligns me to my Happy version of life.
My entire intention of this post is to cause awareness within you that you may recongnize the self sabatoging patterns you may be stuck in. Remember that energy and emotions you are holding are stopping you from getting your life to look a certain way--the way you really desire it to be.
I invite you to discover more about your energy/emotions and how they are controlling your life as well as those who surround you. The energy you have inside can be shifted to a higher level that will then allow you to feal Courage, Joy and Love in your life. Let's raise are vibrations and pour it out to our children, spouses, friends, neighbors, co-workers and strangers we pass everday. It's up to you to make the lasting change!
Life. Joy. Power.