Loving yourself even with fluff!
So I am going to put myself out there. The picture is me this week with some add fluff. I have been counting my macros but, I haven't been logging and haven't been as discpline as I could be. But, that is okay. When I look at this picture I see someone that loves her life, loves her job, loves her family and loves the opportunity to go to school to increase her knowledge. With that being said it doesn't mean I can't do better. So here is the beginning of the next 16 weeks where I am going to track my macros and make sure I hit them each day. I also have written down my fitness plan and I am ready to go. This picture is not to say hey look at me but, a picture where I am at realistic and where I can go. Everything in life that is worth it takes work. Over the last year I have a been an amazing learning journey particularly learning to love my whole self and not just the parts that are really great but, the parts that I need to improve on. Through this journey I have learned to truly love myself which has is allowing me to love those around me more fully.