It has been awhile but, I'm back......

It was been awhile but, I am back. I didn't go far. I reached a point in my life that I had said yes one to many times and with the feeling that I am superwoman I was sure that I could do it all. I have learned a few lessons. It is amazing the roller coaster of life we go on. Things are going great so we feel that we can say yes to one more thing because we can handle it and then we soon realize that what happens is that you aren't able to give one thing 100%. I remember listening to a EOFire one day and he said if it isn't a "Hell yes, then it is a Hell no!" I thought about that a lot the last few months and realized that it is okay to want to do a lot of things but, there is a time and place for each of these things to happen. An example of when I workout there are so many things I love to do and need to work on but, there can only be one focus because once you add something else in then the other can't be focused on 100%. So I have learned that making a list of priorities is number one thing to do and to be honest with yourself. I find myself getting caught up in the moment and then saying yes and then finding myself asking my "Why" and I cant put a finger on it. For example I love teaching and people will throw carrots in front of my and I get excited because it sounds like a great idea but, when I sit down and think about what I want to do and accomplish I realize that I love being a teacher and I love my job and I am okay not being a millionaire because I truly love what I am doing and helping teenagers is my why. My why is also developing strong children that are confident in the world. I posted these pictures that we are always progressing either forward or backwards. I had to take a break from writing my macros down but, today marks the day that I begin again tracking my macros and that is okay!